Tax Functionality Localization for Chile

av Go2Latam

chilean tax requirements for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business central

The Chilean Localization developed by Go2Latam in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central allows compliance of all tax and operational aspects and the issuance of reports and reports according to the legal and tax requirements of Chile.

  • Adaptation of accounting and tax functionality in accordance with Chilean legislation.
  • Official legal reports in physical and magnetic media.
  • Adjustment of terminology according to the region in the different standard Dynamics modules.
  • Easy adaptation of the processes to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (NIC).

Initial settings: 

  • Data of legal representative
  • Configuration of SII tables and parameters

Functionality: Among other functionality:

  • Management and validation of R.U.T
  • Data of legal representative
  • Handling of documents of purchase, sale and dispatch guide
  • Money correction of stocks
  • Accounting multigroups
  • VAT withholdings
  • Configuration of SII tables and parameters
  • Exchange rates based on date
  • Exchange rate by document date: Purchase and Sales Documents.
  • Withholding process and additional taxes SII.
  • Partial withholding of VAT.
  • Total VAT withholdings.
  • Additional tax code: Purchase and Sale Transactions.
  • VAT after the deadline.
  • 2nd category withholdings
  • Table of taxpayers on difficult payroll (NDF).
  • Tax stamps and stamps.Ajuste de valores de activos fijos

Reports and legal books:

  • Daily Book and Ledger
  • Digitized sales and purchase book
  • Inventory book
  • Book Balance of accounting accounts
  • Accounting Book Accounting Dictionary
  • Electronic books. XML Generation
    • Dictionary of accounts.
    • Book and summary of the Journal and Mayor
    • Balance
    • Book and Sales Summary

Ready for generate all the files and the communication with electronic invoicing. 

With our localization, your company will ensure that your company complies with all its obligations in Chile.

Supported Editions:

  • This app supports Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported Countries:

  • Chile

 Supported Languages:

  • This app is available in English ( United States), Spanish (Spain) and Spanish (Chile)

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